When You are Tired of Speaking Up

💤 When you are tired of hearing only your voice met with the silence of inaction.⁣

⁣When you are the only one keeping them accountable.⁣

⁣😔When at the end of the day you are drained and start to doubt if you are making a difference. ⁣

⁣When you keep showing up day after day and endure the resistance of equity and justice by those who are privileged with power.⁣

⁣😖 When you feel alone, unseen, exploited, and undervalued.⁣

⁣When you are 🤬⁣

⁣REST. Yes, please GO and REST. We need you but only after you have taken care of yourself. ⁣

⁣We are in this for the long haul. ⁣

⁣Our work together is incremental towards radical change and we can only do that if we take of each other. We carry this work forward together. ⁣

⁣So go and rest for a while. It’s ok ❤️ We will keep speaking up and showing up till it’s our time to rest too. We are in community with you and it’s fucking beautiful to hold each other through the exhaustion and joy.⁣

⁣Thank you for being you. Thank you for choosing to speak up. Thank you for showing up. Thank you for taking care of yourself through it all.⁣


7 Examples of Workplace Gaslighting


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